Category AFIR / ERM / RISK European ESG template for insurance regulations IDD and SFDR

European ESG template for insurance regulations IDD and SFDR

uploaded August 1, 2022 Views: 531 Comments: 0 Favorite: 1 CPD


IDD comes into force in August and SFDR in 2023: From the beginning of August this year, insurers are due to question the policy holders on their sustainability preferences and from January, insurers must provide ESG pre-contractual information on products (unit linked and general account products). Later in the year, they must disclose their sustainable exposures (Taxonomy, Sustainable Investments, etc). To be able to implement the regulation, insurers need to receive ESG data from asset managers. The EET (European ESG Template) is the result of the work of the full European financial industry (insurers, banks, asset managers etc) - coordinated by Ghislain, under FinDatEx umbrella. 

Categories: AFIR / ERM / RISK
Content groups:  content2022


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