The Chiefs

uploaded May 11, 2023 Views: 16 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

Did you ever wonder what the pinnacle of your career would be? Had you ever dreamed this could or would be it? These global financial services C-Suite professionals discuss their early work, career path, and the pivotal moment when the stratosphere was not only visible on the horizon but became imminent. They will also discuss their outlook on global and local economies and industries.


1. What was your career path leading up to your current role?

2. When and how did you receive that pivotal mentoring, sponsorship and advocacy to prepare you for succession into this position?

3. What are the most important financial and economic issues in your company and implications for your industry?

4. What are the most immediate opportunities to work together across the Caricom nations and sectors?

5. What are some opportunities for multinationals to partner with Caribbean countries ripe for investment, besides the most commonly used pathway of reinsurance via Bermuda? Can other Caricom nations become gigantic reinsurance centers like Bermuda, as associate Caricom nation?

6. How do you predict global economic, pandemic, social changes affecting your industry?

7. Do you consider digital currency (e.g., bitcoin) a viable, long-term form of economic currency and investment? Is your company considering digital currency options?

8. A lot of companies now seem guided by notions like “financial well-being” and “corporate responsibility” (e.g., in their mission statements.) What is your company’s commitment to your individual clients, real people with insurance policies, bank accounts and pensions?

9. How will the war in Ukraine affect your company and industry?

10. Have you left your home country?

      a. If so, have you ever thought of returning?

      b. If not, have you ever thought of leaving?

Content groups:  content2023


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