Media COVID-19 Epidemiological Situation in the Caribbean: Data from the PAHO/WHO Dashboard

COVID-19 Epidemiological Situation in the Caribbean: Data from the PAHO/WHO Dashboard

uploaded December 9, 2020 Views: 114 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

The COVID-19 pandemic is an event that most of the 7.8 billion people on earth will remember for the rest of their lives. It is unprecedented in that manner alone. The amount of COVID-19 data available online and from other direct sources is vast. In the early stages of the pandemic, Eckler and QED partnered to condense the available data into a format that is easy to understand and from which to make comparisons between countries and regions. In this presentation, Sylvain Goulet from Eckler and Ron Richman from QED, will share with you their methodology for compiling their results, the key trends discerned and what we might expect as we potentially head into a second wave and even third wave.

Categories: LIFE
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