Media COVID-19 Insights – Learning from the Past; Gearing for the Future

COVID-19 Insights – Learning from the Past; Gearing for the Future

uploaded December 28, 2021 Views: 70 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

COVID-19 needs no introduction. It has made its presence felt across all nations, throughout all sectors. With the benefit of hindsight from 2020, the SAS COVID-19 Working Group looked at how COVID-19 left its mark on the Singapore insurance industry. The WG has also taken a closer look at data from the first wave in Singapore, including infection and hospitalisation patterns, and zoomed out to see how they compare with experience in other countries. Finally, the WG brings the analysis back to present time, where renewed hope from vaccine developments is mixed with the threat of new variants. Where did our industry fare well, what could we have done differently, and how can we gear up to pull through this prolonged pandemic, plus be ready for the next?

Content groups:  content2021


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