Media How to Pick and Become an Actuarial Employer of Choice

How to Pick and Become an Actuarial Employer of Choice

uploaded December 2, 2021 Views: 51 Comments: 0 Favorite: 1 CPD

The best employees do the best and the most work. But many companies do an awful job of finding and keeping them.” – McKinsey senior partners Scott Keller and Mary Meaney

Attracting and retaining high-quality individuals should be the number one priority for every employer in South Africa. Companies rise and fall by the quality of the people they employ.

What makes an employer of actuaries in South Africa an employer of choice? Why do some companies find it easy to recruit great people whilst other companies seem to struggle? The SA3 team have made it their mission to find out why and we will be sharing our findings during the Breakfast Session. We are convinced that the session will be both practical and informative and will benefit everyone attending.

In preparation for our session, we have been running short, anonymous surveys with every Convention newsletter distributed in the run-up for the Convention. We have covered topics like:

  • Management and Leadership
  • Company reputation, values, culture, and results
  • Exposure and opportunities for growth and advancement
  • Remuneration and other forms of recognition

We are looking forward to engaging with the actuarial community on this interesting and relevant topic.

Content groups:  content2021


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