Media Implications of Covid on long-term mortality and morbidity trends and their impacts on the Asian Life Insurance market

Implications of Covid on long-term mortality and morbidity trends and their impacts on the Asian Life Insurance market

uploaded September 29, 2022 Views: 295 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

Implications of Covid on long-term mortality and morbidity trends and their impacts on the Asian Life Insurance market Almost three years in, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a topic of great interest across the globe and in many aspects of the insurance business. As we look to model future mortality and morbidity trends and the impact on life insurance, several questions remain. We will tackle these questions as a team – sharing answers, experience, and acumen. We have already seen tremendous victories in COVID-19 prevention and treatment, but uncertainties persist, behaviours differ, and inequities may result in varying impact. In this Asia-focused, forward-looking session, the speakers will share their actuarial, medical, and business insights as we explore the future implications of this novel coronavirus.

Categories: LIFE


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