Media Pension Tracking Systems (PTS), challenges ahead

Pension Tracking Systems (PTS), challenges ahead

uploaded March 11, 2022 Views: 121 Comments: 0 Favorite: 1 CPD

One of the priorities of AAE is to monitor the adequacy and sustainability of pensions. Therefore, AAE’s Pensions Committee recognizes the role of the actuaries to protect the financial interest of the customers (insured persons, future and current pensioners, others) and to help them in the decision making process. Accurate and complete information provided through the Pensions platforms should be the responsibility of actuaries. Existing national Pension Tracking Systems (PTS’s) prove to be an added value to the communication about pensions in different EU countries. But not every country has a PTS at this moment. EIOPA has published an advice about the use of PTS’s in the EU in order to share good practices among EU-countries. This webinar will give an overview over the main conclusions of the EIOPA advice and discusses the role of actuaries in PTS’s.

Categories: PENSIONS
Content groups:  content2022


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