Media Real World Data from Policyholders Using a Clinical Validated Digital Therapeutic for Stress Resilience

Real World Data from Policyholders Using a Clinical Validated Digital Therapeutic for Stress Resilience

uploaded December 28, 2021 Views: 105 Comments: 0 Favorite: 1 CPD

The global proportion of disease-induced loss of life and loss of life quality attributable to mental illness has been steadily increasing for decades. Meanwhile, existing healthcare approaches for preventing and treating mental illness cannot meet the rising demand. Only scalable tools that leverage the latest technological advancements have potential to make a significant impact. These next generation solutions are emerging as clinically validated digital therapeutics, with AmDTx being a pioneering example. Due to the scalable nature and ease of distribution compared to pharmaceutical medicine, digital therapeutics have the exciting potential to be a means for healthcare payors to participant in the healthcare economy as healthcare providers. In partnership with a large Canadian health insurer, the Singapore-based healthtech firm Mobio Interactive explored the potential of this specific opportunity. Here we showcase early efficacy results obtained from benchmarked and objective biomarkers embedded within AmDTx, and discuss the central hypotheses addressable through these types of data with respect to predicting the lifetime claim behaviour of health insurance policyholders.

Categories: HEALTH
Content groups:  content2021


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