Media Life Re Forum Innovation Series (Part 2): Wearables: A New Hope - Exploring the value that wearable tech can bring to insurers

Life Re Forum Innovation Series (Part 2): Wearables: A New Hope - Exploring the value that wearable tech can bring to insurers

uploaded May 2, 2022 Views: 493 Comments: 0 Favorite: 2 CPD

This talk will explore the potential benefits that wearable tech can bring to life & protection insurers and their customers.

The traditional approach of integrating wearables into insurance has largely focused on measuring steps and using rewards-based incentive programs to encourage more activity. This generally appeals to health conscious customers, providing a way for insurers to engage with and grow this segment of the market. The ability of emerging technology and analytics to give early warning of changes in health is likely to have broader appeal.

The session will include a case study from our systems biology partner LifeQ who have recently used data from wearables to develop an early warning system for COVID-19. Their clinically validated approach supports detection of both infectious and chronic diseases. A broader range of metrics monitoring sleep, respiratory function and cardiovascular health can be used to manage risk factors for disease.

Life and protection insurers could use health coaching alongside wearables to drive long-term, sustained health improvements. By using wearables, insurers also benefit from richer insights into the morbidity and mortality risk structure of their portfolios.


This video is part of a series, please find Part 1 here.

Content groups:  content2022


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