Media Climate Change: What Does it Mean to Life, Health and Non-Life Insurers? Part III

Climate Change: What Does it Mean to Life, Health and Non-Life Insurers? Part III

uploaded October 13, 2022 Views: 111 Comments: 0 Favorite: 2 CPD

This session will focus on climate risk for life insurers and the various regulatory requirements and market trends across Europe. Following a brief introduction to climate risk, we will outline the current regulatory activity in the UK (widely seen as the most advanced European regulator with respect to climate risk) and across Europe including the latest EIOPA activity. We will then set out practical guidance for firms when getting started with climate change and tackling some of the common challenges that arise, using case studies from our own experience working with insurers in Ireland and the UK. This will cover various aspects of managing climate risk including governance, embedding into all areas of the Risk Management Framework, scenario analysis, disclosures and strategy. 

Categories: AFIR / ERM / RISK, LIFE
Content groups:  content2022


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