Media Development of Public HealthCare Scheme in Armenia

Development of Public HealthCare Scheme in Armenia

uploaded August 7, 2023 Views: 34 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

The presentation will be dedicated to the current problems and actuarial forecasts of the of public healthcare insurance scheme impact on the voluntary healthcare insurance market share as a result of the implementation of the Universal Health Insurance (UHI). Many experts in insurance companies predicts that new law bears a certain reputational, solvency and credit risks, which was not considered in the pricing methodologies. The research will be devoted to the public healthcare system design and implementation in the context of a small insurance market in developing countries bringing a new challenge for voluntary healthcare insurance industry. How it should be perceived by insurance industry? Risk or opportunity? On the other hand, how implementation of new public insurance scheme will change the performance of morbidity, longevity, the quality of medical services provided by country’s healthcare system.


Find the Q&A here: Q&A on 'Understanding Health and Aged Care'

Categories: HEALTH
Content groups:  content2023


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