Media Proud to be an Actuary

Proud to be an Actuary

uploaded June 22, 2021 Views: 302 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

The Society’s Diversity and Inclusion Mission Statement outlines the Society’s aim to create a culture of inclusion and growth for members, recognising and respecting our difference in terms of backgrounds, beliefs, life experience, perspectives, personality and skills.
The D&I committee is focussing across a number of areas of diversity during 2021.
A number of events have already been organised by the D&I committee on topics such as mental health, the experience of female actuaries and unconscious bias training.
Our next event will look at the work and life experience of LGBTQIA+ actuaries and will consider such issues as the significance of role models and allyship.
We are fortunate to have a panel of three speakers from different backgrounds and career stages to share their insights and experiences on some of these topics. The event will also cover the careers of the speakers; and how the speakers overcame professional challenges to become successful in their careers.
For more information please visit 

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