Media The Evolving Role of the Actuary

The Evolving Role of the Actuary

uploaded August 7, 2023 Views: 123 Comments: 0 Favorite: 1 CPD

Recent events have acted as a time machine to the future, where ideas that a short time ago may have seemed far fetched have become reality and required working professionals, including actuaries, to quickly adapt. Our presentation will address some of the key areas of change we see as needed for this transition to continue to occur, including:

  • Actuarial “super jobs” and the requirements of such roles
  • Differences between skills and capabilities
  • Importance of creating the conditions in which actuaries are prepared for the future of work
  • Roles for actuaries, employers and educators of actuaries
  • Speed of change versus stakeholder expectations.

Find the Q&A here: 'The Evolving Roles and Value of Actuaries' 

Content groups:  content2023


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