Media The Future is African: How to Avoid the Pitfalls, and Thrive Working Throughout Africa

The Future is African: How to Avoid the Pitfalls, and Thrive Working Throughout Africa

uploaded November 9, 2020 Views: 355 Comments: 0 Favorite: 0 CPD

For many years, and now exacerbated by CoViD19, the world has struggled for economic growth. Many businesses have expanded into new markets to chase the inflation-beating returns that they so desire. Africa is an attractive proposition, and there is still large un-tapped potential within largely uninsured populations.

However, investing through Africa can come with many pitfalls that must be navigated. We aim to showcase learnings from decades of work across the continent in various capacities. These include; statutory/appointed actuary, internal actuarial function, auditor, due diligence and trusted business advisor.

Our panel will include experienced actuaries from South Africa, and across the rest of the continent that will share their experience and views on the future.

Panel to include representatives from Tier 1 SA insurer, Reinsurer, Consulting, Due Dilligence.

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