Media What should an Actuary know about Artificial Intelligence

What should an Actuary know about Artificial Intelligence

uploaded April 3, 2024 Views: 114 Comments: 0 Favorite: 2 CPD

As a member of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI-DS) Working Group at the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE), Bogdan Tautan's presentation is designed to inspire and guide actuaries in navigating the dynamic landscape of AI within their profession. Alongside the International Actuarial Association's (IAA) global initiatives, the AAE collaborates closely with stakeholders such as the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) to comprehend the implications of new legislations on the insurance, pensions, and actuarial sectors. The presentation will delve into key findings derived from recent AI-DS work and published papers, shedding light on regulations, educational considerations, and actionable steps for actuaries to enhance transparency in their practices. As actuaries strive to integrate traditional skills and methods with cutting-edge technology, maintaining relevance and fostering innovation remains of utmost importance.

Find the Q&A here: Q&A on 'AI and the Global Profession'

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