Media Milliman UK | November Topical Issues

Milliman UK | November Topical Issues

uploaded November 12, 2021 Views: 128 Comments: 0 Favorite: 4 CPD


Topics of this November issue include:


Climate Risk
Claire Booth & Amy Nicholson

With the deadline for compliance with SS3/19 approaching, this talk covers recent climate change regulatory updates, discusses some of the key issues arising as firms work on their SS3/19 compliance and discusses a potential approach to scenario analysis. 


With-profits Restructuring
Jen van der Ree & Sarah Walker 

Over the last couple of years insurers with closed with-profits funds have decided that it would be in the best interest of policyholders to wind-up funds, often ahead of the existing sunset clause. Generally we have seen two approaches taken: amendments to existing schemes and Scheme of Arrangements. Within this talk we compare and contrast these two approaches, using case-studies to explore the pros and cons and to identify the key considerations.


Update on M&A Activity across the Globe
Stuart Reynolds & Ian Humphries 

In this session we provide an update on recent mergers and acquisitions in the European Life Insurance market as well as discussing the potential drivers of current and future merger and acquisition in Europe, Asia and the US.

Content groups:  content2021


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